Data Entry - Standard

In order to help authors who do not have their manuscripts in electronic format, VERITAS has created a data entry service. The purpose of the data entry procedure is to offer authors a trustworthy, quick, and affordable service for converting their paper composition into a digital format. Our method offers an unbeatable price for a high level of accuracy.

Here’s how it works:

  • Send VERTIAS a copy of your manuscript for data entry. Please do not annotate the manuscript in any way or make any handwritten changes. Following the completion of the data entry, you will have the chance to make any necessary changes.
  • The content is then converted from paper into a word processing file, checked for data input problems, and the entered data is spell checked by VERITAS.
  • VERITAS will then send you an electronic copy of the book via disk or email along with instructions for reading it. The text will be stored as a.RTF (Rich Text Format) file.
  • You have the chance to make any last-minute corrections or modifications to the book file after carefully comparing the file to your original.
  • Send us the completed manuscript so we can start the self-publishing procedure and convert your novel into a book.

*This service is only available for manuscripts that have been typewritten. The Data Entry – Handwritten service should be used by authors who have handwritten manuscripts.