National Council Teachers of English

  • One of the oldest and most respected book fairs in the United States, now in its 108th year.
  • 7000 teachers, administrators and national leaders who are decision makers for purchasing classroom curriculum materials as well as supplemental materials for classroom use. They are actively involved in leading and influencing their schools and school districts in the teaching and reading in all content areas and across all grade levels.
  • Teachers and administrators also recommend titles to be purchased by their school libraries
  • All books from Kindergarten to grade 12 are appropriate.
  • Subject areas of interest include children’s books, fiction and nonfiction, picture books, educational, how-to, young adult, mystery, self-help and many other categories.
  • The show is always busy with 95% of the attendees spending much of their time looking for new books and reading materials for their students and themselves.
  • 78% of the attendees are classroom teachers, teacher educators and college faculty.
  • 22% of attendees are administrators, graduate students and others.
  • 41% of attendees are from elementary and Middle School, 59% are from high school, college, university and other institutions.
  • 70% of the attendees rate their exhibit hall experience as valuable to very valuable
  • Prime exhibit space with high volume of foot traffic to the booth.